Sew Knit And Natter

In our Sew Knit And Natter Club we are making poppies. The challenge for a SKAN (Sew Knit And Natter) sliver award is to make five fabric yoyos similar to  these. We have a choice of fabric in shades and patterns of red for sewers to choose from.


The pupils will be able to keep one brooch and the other four will be sold for the poppy appeal priced £2.00

Stay watching for the gold award poppy design !

Sew Knit and Natter Club

In our Sew Knit And Natter Club we are making poppies. The challenge for our SKAN (Sew Knit And Natter) bronze award is to make five felt poppies  similar to  these. We have a choice of fabric in shades and patterns of red for sewers to choose from.

poppy felt 1

A big thank you to Victoria and Venetia  for finishing their first five and earning their bronze certificates.

Just Look At Our Lovely Hoops.

Our pupils have been very busy at lunchtimes sewing and knitting. Here are some of the sewing results.

IMG_9017     IMG_9019



Now we have mastered back stitch and buttons we are choosing from the Hoopla book for what to sew next. (More on the book later.)

Year 6 Sewing Time

Year 6 are invited to make a hoop embroidery with Mrs Hopewell and Mrs Spowage on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes.

This is what we are hoping they will look like.

Button-Embroidery-Hoop-Art                                felt flower

There will be a small charge of £1.00

What happened today

Today was an exciting day for me. We sometimes do SPAG in the mornings but this time we did LITRACY in the morning, so that means we did SPAG in the afternoon at 2:11pm. Next we did MM which stands for Minute Maths. After MM we went outside for break, when we came back in we put our coats away and went to do our maths. Mr Cook told us what to do and we followed his steps, when I came to question 9 or 10 Mr Cook called pyramids and cones to the library To show us something. When it was lunch time I played Five Nights at Feddys tiggy build up with Sam, Shannon and some of the Year 4’s as well. After lunch we came in and did SPAG. Now we’re here blogging.


By Justinas Depsys

Hard day at school!!!!

Today was a good school day first we did a little bit of Litracy we were planning on the book of iron man!! Then we did some minute maths which was fun! We also had a break then when we came in we got started on maths! After the maths we had lunch for on hour and then went into year six for spag!!!!!! It was fun and after that we started this blog!!!!!!!!